Thursday 1 May 2014


....  beautiful,  soothing, fragrant, bluebells.

Thanks to knitting group member Woolly Chic for reminding me that Hitch Wood is full of bluebells this week.

MWNN and I made the short drive to Hitch Wood on Wednesday morning. We were blessed with a lovely sunny day.

I'd glimpsed bluebells in woodland along the A1 when we first moved out of London and I was still working at a North London Girls' School. That didn't prepare me  for the sight of  vast expanses of bluebells that met us as soon as we set foot onto the 'marked way'.

Nor did those brief glimpses from a moving vehicle prepare me for the wonderful, delicate fragrance we experienced as we moved deeper into the bluebells. I doubt that even the most gifted chemist could re-create and bottle it.

Ron really enjoyed exploring the woods and didn't once pester for a game of chase the ball.

A strategically-placed bench provided a welcome resting place before we turned and made our way back to the car.

We had the woods very much to ourselves. I suspect there may be many more visitors over the Bank Holiday weekend.