Tuesday 5 February 2013

Revisting old friends

The news about the identity of the remains found in Leicester is very exciting.

Poor Richard III has been the victim of some very bad press. This is due in no small part  to Shakespear's presentation of Richard as the evil hunchback who murdered his nephew, the rightful heir to the throne, and his brother while in safe keeping in The Tower.

I've been interested in Richard's biography since visiting his birthplace, Fotheringhay Castle while cruising Northamptonshire's River Nene in our narrowboat. Mooring is directly below the remains of the castle, just a short walk from Fotheringhay village and church.

Shortly after our second visit to Fotheringhay (when MWNN left his best tweed cap in the Falcon Inn), I read Sharon Penham's The Sunne in Splendour, which shows a very different Richard to that presented by the Tudors. My copy of the book went to the charity shop long ago, so I was thrilled to find it on Amazon, for Kindle for pennies.

We must wait a while longer for the re-burial of Richard III's remains, as befits a king, in Leicester Cathedral.  Meanwhile, it's not too late to catch the documentary from Channel 4 - The King in the Car Park, which aired last night at 9pm